Soils and Landscaping Products
West Wood, LLC has a variety of soils, soil amendments, and landscaping products to meet the needs of your project at hand!
Our composted cow manure is the shining gem of our product line! Locally sourced manure is carefully composted, ensuring proper temperature, moisture, and texture are achieved. Our compost adds structure to your soil, and feeds your soils microbial population, as well as adding additional microbes. As always, our compost receives a thorough round of testing to ensure quality! Call to order for delivery or pickup.
$75 per yard

Decomp Gold
Our Decomp Gold soil amendment is a premium, decomposed bark, screened to a fine texture perfect for amending and feeding any soil. It's high organic material content adds soil structure and feeds microbial populations, increases water holding capacity, and helps plants thrive! Call to order for delivery or pickup.
$60 per yard
Topsoil - Sandy Loam
Our sand loam topsoil is perfect for filling garden boxes with a first layer, sandy soils, or general landscaping applications. It retains moisture well, and is fine textured for easy workability. Call to order for delivery or pickup.
$40 per yard, 4 yards or less
$30 per yard, more than 4 yards